尘世的欲望 越堆越高 终于连宽大为怀的上帝 都忍不住俯下身来 一手把它拔掉 没想到 钢筋水泥的基脚 竟如人类的罪孽 根深柢固 稍一用力 便拉成一把尖矛 直直刺向 天空的 心脏 夜夜 我们听到 光怪陆离的梦 自失眠的巴黎冉冉升空 如饱胀的气球 在它上面噗噗 爆响 Eiffel Tower thinking they were building again another guillotine merciful God swooped down trying to pull it apart yet its steel-reinforced base stubborn as human sins kept it firmly on the ground and it was turned into a lance pointing at the heart of the sky at night we can hear grotesque dreams rise and pop at its very tip like balloons
清晨 一个人在屋子里 走来走去 不发一点声音 黄昏的屋子里 也有一个人 在走来走去 不发一点声音 万里之外 他们不约而同 走近窗口 抬头向霞光流荡的天边 看了一眼 不发一点声音 他们知道 这时候 任何一个暗示 眼皮一动或嘴角一牵 都将引发一场 翻天覆地的 美丽的 崩陷 Time Difference it's morning he paces up and down the room in silence in a distant room she also paces up and down in silence yet it is already evening thousands of miles apart they both walk to a window and look up at the half-lit sky in silence knowing at this moment a flick of the eyelids or a twitch of the lips will certainly set off an avalanche
一定有人哭泣 在这样的黄昏 风从西边来 雨从西边来 而她就是忍不住 头一个哭泣的那个人 对著一堆堆 历史的白骨 人间的不义与缄默 而她就是一开了头 便止不住哭泣的那个人 人类的罪恶 冰峰般矗立在她四周 把她笼罩在重重阴影里 使她窒息 一定有人哭泣 在这样的黄昏 风从西边来 雨从西边来 Someone Must Be Crying someone must be crying in such an evening wind coming from the west rain coming from the west she was the first one who could not hold her tears facing piles and piles of white bones in history the injustice the dead silence she was the one who started crying and was unable to stop the evil deeds of humanity towering around her like ice mountains casting the heavy shadows that eventually choked her someone must be crying in such an evening wind coming from the west rain coming from the west